miercuri, 7 octombrie 2009
Mustafa says:
By the process of globalization nationalist motivated events caused a lot of problems, even wars. Moreover after the Cold War some experts, one of them being Samuel P. Huntington, predicted that the fundamental source of conflict will be cultural.
“The fault line between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future.”
Those kinds of predictions are really dangerous in our times because the differences between cultures don’t cause conflict but those kinds of ideas and predictions can cause them. Main solution of the problems is to learn about each others, because by this way we can get rid of our prejudices and the best way of learning about cultures are learning their symbols and the meaning of those symbols
For that kind of purpose we, 26 youngsters from 4 different countries, gathered in Curtea de Argeş, a small lovely Romanian town. The aim was to learn the symbols of the countries. In this way we didn’t learn only about the symbols of the countries we also learned about their cultures, their cultural symbols, their way of life. Gradually we were knowing each other, we were chatting and we saw that we can get on well, no matter we belong to different cultures. Our hotel was like a laboratory for social scientist, we were like test subjects, the question of study was “Can people from different cultures live together?”
After those kind of activities, (exchanges) we should think that what this exchange added us, what is our benefit? To answer this question we must compare our first and last day in exchange. In the first day maybe some of us had some prejudices against other cultures but in the last day this prejudices have gradually melted. We can live together, we can get on well, we can be friends and we can prevent the “clash of civilizations”.
Mustafa Demir
Leader of Turkish Group.
miercuri, 23 septembrie 2009
USE in couples of words
TostiNg machine
ActIvity room
Great Teams :)
Crazy Dogs in the streets
Sketches in the forest
ca cYn cy ca ca cyncy ca ca cyncycaca!!!!! =D
RoManian people
Babe shark :)
Latvian people
"It's Okay" :)
What's the Fuck?" :)
Final ProdUct
FRogs on the reception
"Peace on the world"
FarEwell time :((
And towsends of other things which are unexpressable!!!!!!!!!!!
Greetings and hugs from Poland
joi, 10 septembrie 2009
Karolla says - part2
Curtea de Arges- that's a beautiful Romanian town which is hosting Us at the project ''United Symbols of Europe”'.
Exactly in this town, our Romanian friends with a great openness are making closer and closer their culture. Together we’re: working at the project's workshops, we're sight seeing, having fun and learning-about ourselves and our cultures.
We are here only 4 days, but because of the intensive and cheerful work, we have already have prepared Our final presentations.
In the last days we have seen The Monastery, The Ethnography House and Brasov city- which we've already come back amazed because of the charm of the old city and the Black Church
The road to Brasov-beside it was long and curvy - made Us able to see the larger part of the Romanian Country, and reflect about the attitude of their citizens (I mean our Romanian friends).
Exactly they are telling us with proud about their history, and show to us their patriotism.
It's really important for young people to think about their national individuality as a advantage.
I know that because of the people like Us ( I mean equally Turks, Latvians, Romanians and Poles) globalization won't be able to get lost our cultures ( especially symbols like - traditional: dances, songs, wearing).
And for sure it can’t do it, during this exchange - for which symbols and cultures are in the first place...
Karolla says
„What do You think is a symbol ?”
Curtea de Arges- that's a beatiful Romanian town which was a capital of /..../
Exacly this town, now hosting Us at the project '' United Symbols of Europe ”'.
Here in in historycal town our Romanian friends with a great openess are making closer and closer their culture. What to You think symboling now Your town if it was a capitol?
Exacly here - together we're : working at the project's workshops, we're sight seeing,havi'n fun and learning-about ourselves and our cultures.
We are here only 4 days,but because of the intensive and cheerful work, we have already have prepeared Our final presentations.
In the last days we have seen The Monastery, The Etnography House and Brasov city- which we've already come back amazed because of the charm of the old city and the Black Church
The road to Brasov-beside it was long and curvy - made Us able to see the larger part of the Romanian Country, and reflcet about the attitude of their citiziensi (I mean our Romanian friends).
Exacly they are telling us with proud about their history, and show to us their patriothysm.
It's really immportant for young people to think about their national individuality as a advantage.
I am sure that because of the people like Us ( I mean equally Turks, Latvians, Romanians and Poles) globalisation won't be able to get lost our cultures ( especially symbols like - traditional: dances, songs, wearings).
And for sure it cant do it, during this exchange - for which symbols and cultures are in the first place ...
miercuri, 9 septembrie 2009
During USE
sâmbătă, 5 septembrie 2009
vineri, 4 septembrie 2009
Karolla (Polish group) says:
We'll meet soon
I know that U have prepared fantastic exchange
I fear just a little tresherhunting :P couse on the last exchange i was in the same team with Lau, and that was the only reason why we won this game :P
Can w8 to see your smiling faces !!
see U on Sunday!
Ooo!!! and i wanna say sorry !!! Couse i haven't improved my English
but my body language is cool - like always :))
Hugs, Kisses and see U soon!